Sparkys Now Electrician in Mornington – Bathroom Repairs

Our Sparkys Now electrician in Mornington was contacted for a domestic home repair job in the area. The problem was spotted and identified immediately. The bathroom unit, which is designed for powering up the bathroom light, fan and heating, had stopped working due to old age of the fitting and prolonged exposure of the electrical […]
Sparkys Now Electrician in Mornington Peninsula – Solar System Installation

We had our Sparkys Now electrician in the Mornington Peninsula work on a project involving a considerable amount of digging, building and connecting. It was basically an underground assignment in which our electrical contractor did a power upgrade to facilitate the installation of a 10-kilowatt solar system on the roof of a property. Given the […]
Electrical Contractor Mornington – Switch Board

In the suburb of Mornington which rests nicely along the Mornington Peninsula, the job our electrician was tasked with was replacing a commercial meter panel. Our electrical contractor in Mornington found out that this panel had unfortunately been vandalised and set on fire. Mornington, due to its proximity to the beach and distance from the congested urban environment […]